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Writer's pictureStephanie Isaac

How To be Happy: 7 Simple Habits To a Happier You

Everyone wants to be happy, we are all in constant pursuit of happiness. You may be wondering, with everything going on around us today, is it truly possible to be happy? Yes, it is possible but it requires effort on our part. Happiness is a state of mind and it’s not dependent on materialism, you can have everything you desire and still be unhappy.

Happiness is a choice. One of the things I’m learning to do is choosing to be happy regardless of the situation. It has not been an easy process but it’s been worth it. Choosing to be happy despite all that goes on around us is an important part of caring for our mental health and overall wellbeing.

Here are 7 simple habits to help you be happier every day

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1. Choose Happiness

yellow pencil with the words choose happy xoxo

Photo by Jenny Pace on Unsplash

Everything that happens in our lives begins with a choice. When we decide on something, we’re most likely do whatever it takes to see that thing happen. Living a happy life is not any different. Your decision to be happy brings a change to your everyday life.

One way to choose happiness is by starting your day right. It is said that how you start your day is how you live your day, It’s therefore important to begin your day happy. When you open your eyes in the morning, make it a habit to think positive and uplifting things and speak into your day what you desire to see. As you go through the day, you must also seek to maintain that happy atmosphere.

Positive Affirmations to start your day Happy

  1. All things work together for my good today and every day.

  2. This is a new and wonderful day for me, and there would never be another one like this.

  3. I embrace today and all the good it has to offer.

  4. This is the lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

  5. I am a happy person, and I attract good things.

  6. I am going to be a wonderful success in all my endeavors today.

  7. Happiness is my portion all day long.

2. Change your Thoughts

woman looking out the window

Photo by Alexandre Chambon on Unsplash

Our mind is a battlefield. Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. Your thoughts act as a doorway to your feelings and reality. There’s this saying “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” This means that we become what we constantly think of.

What kind of thoughts have you been thinking lately? Are they good, bad, happy or sad? It’s impossible to think negatively and expect to feel positive. Life is all about sowing and reaping so if you want to be happy, you must think happy. Whenever I dwell on negative thoughts I become so grumpy and unhappy, and I really don’t fancy that feeling. So most times when those negative thoughts come, I think about the end result and I say to my self its not worth it.

I heard someone say recently that our thoughts are like trains that take us to a destination, but we have to choose which train to travel on whether it be positive or negative based on our desired end. Negative thoughts will always come to mind but you can redirect them to positive ones. If you struggle with your thoughts, I recommend you read the Battlefield of the mind, it is a very practical and powerful book that teaches you how to focus your mind on God thoughts.

3. Pray and Let Go

man kneeling topray

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

One of the best ways I’ve found to boost my mood is to pray. Most times, we like to be in control of everything. we want to know the when, how, what, but and if of everything and when things don’t go the way we plan, we sometimes get disappointed and discouraged. 1 peter 5:7 states ” Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. No matter how strong you think you are, your strength is limited but God’s strength is limitless.

Prayer is a way to let go of all your stress, hurt, and disappointment in exchange for God’s strength, peace, and joy. Instead of always trying to figure things out by yourself, include God in the equation and a huge weight will be lifted off your shoulders when you give over control to Him, trusting that even amid everything going on around you, He’s got your back.

4. Protect your Energy

An amour

Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

To protect your space or energy, you must be mindful and selective of the people you allow into your life, the things you choose to watch and listen to, and also the things you choose to respond to. You don’t always have to respond to every situation, sometimes silence is best. Always seek to maintain a drama-free life by staying far away from people and situations that could affect your peace. You can’t keep surrounding yourself with toxicity and expect not to be affected. Anything toxic is dangerous and can cause damage to our mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Let go of relationships and things that are no longer beneficial to your well being and surround yourself with like-minded people who would help you grow. I know this is not the easiest decision to make but doing otherwise will sabotage your chances of living a happy life. Your happiness and well being should always come first, you deserve to be happy. Choose you.

5. Practice Self-Care

A bath tub with candles

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

Take out time to care for your mind, body, soul, and spirit. Do the things that make you happy and relaxed. Pamper yourself, take yourself out on a date, buy yourself something nice, go on a vacation with your friends and family, meditate, exercise and eat healthily, take your vitamins, laugh and listen to some good and uplifting music. Whatever you take care of will thrive.

Don’t focus on everyone else, thereby losing yourself in the process. Always remember that you’re important and you can’t give out of an empty cup. Juggling work, family, business and social life can be draining and a constant burn out due to stress can lead to an unhappy life. So don’t neglect taking time out to unwind, refresh and rejuvenate.

6. Be Generous

a laptop on a table with happiness poster on the wall behind

Photo by Aditya Chinchure on Unsplash

Happiness is not made by what we own, It is what we share.- Jonathan Sacks

True happiness comes when we give. We were created not only to receive but to give. Being selfish and self-centered can affect your happiness but when you open your heart to put a smile on the face of others, you become part of something bigger than yourself and this brings about a sense of fulfillment and purpose. Giving doesn’t necessarily mean money, you can give a smile, hug, good advice, a listening ear. Whatever you are able to do to make someone else happier is always a good idea.

7. Show Gratitude

Book with today i'm grateful on the cover page

Photo by Freshh Connection on Unsplash

I think gratitude is an underrated mood booster. When we feel sad, one of the last things on our mind is being grateful but there’s something about being grateful that lifts up your spirit. It shifts your focus from all you don’t have to what you do have. Just being alive and well is enough to give thanks for. Write down five things you are grateful for, and whenever you feel unhappy, use that as a reminder that you are blessed in spite of.

Wrapping up

Choosing to be happy doesn’t mean that you’ll have no difficulties or challenges. What it does mean is that you will rise above every situation because of your positive outlook and approach. Happiness is well within your reach don’t let anybody convince you otherwise, not even YOU.

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